Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Design Charrette

For this Project we had the prompt of a woman who willed 100 Acres to be built into a town. So in a group of 6 stakeholders we designed the town.

In this project I liked that everyone had a specific area that they needed to focus on so that everyone brought something to the group. I didn't like that we only had a day and 15 minutes to work on the design so it wasn't as detailed as it could have been. I learned that a lot of planning goes into building a town from scratch.

Nathan M was the cost estimator.
Ben was the Environmental Engineer
Michael was the Health and Safety
Matt was the Health and Safety
Nathan K was the structural engineer
Sebastian Swanson was the interior designer

The environmentalist says 3 trees per house.

“I’m the structural engineer, nothing I say helps much”
-Nathan Kuhlman

For every road, there shall be a sidewalk
-Nathan K

There should be a couple acres of park total.

We will have a playground, and a soccer field.

“we need an important thing in the center”

-Nathan M

Hospital i the center of town, a mall, doctors, auto shop, grocery, gas station, mc Donalds, Old country buffet, Leann Chins

150 houses needed


x+x+x+x= 50 acres

“ERRything better fit regulation”

“That’ll setya back about a million”

“I finna build some parks”

We should make sure all the buildings have an efficient set up

Ben talks about his awesome idea for a three way road.

“So we’re gonna make a 2 acre school”

“That’s one small school”

“What, Why”

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