Monday, October 17, 2011

Roof Project

For this project we had to design and build a style of roof on top of a Kleenex box.  We chose to design a Gable roof.
This style of roofing is very popular here in Minnesota probably because of how well it handles rain and heavy snow.  Unfortunately this style of roof is very bad in hurricane weather.  In the high winds of the hurricane gable roofs triangular structure catches wind like a sail and can often get ripped right off of a house.     


In this project I learned that a roof needs a strong structure so that it doesn't collapse on itself.  I liked using the bigger glue gun it made everything go faster.  I didnt like getting the glue stuck on my hand or the fact that we ran out of popsicle sticks one of the days so we couldn't really do much that day.  Next time I would use a different material for the shingles.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Design Charrette

For this Project we had the prompt of a woman who willed 100 Acres to be built into a town. So in a group of 6 stakeholders we designed the town.

In this project I liked that everyone had a specific area that they needed to focus on so that everyone brought something to the group. I didn't like that we only had a day and 15 minutes to work on the design so it wasn't as detailed as it could have been. I learned that a lot of planning goes into building a town from scratch.

Nathan M was the cost estimator.
Ben was the Environmental Engineer
Michael was the Health and Safety
Matt was the Health and Safety
Nathan K was the structural engineer
Sebastian Swanson was the interior designer

The environmentalist says 3 trees per house.

“I’m the structural engineer, nothing I say helps much”
-Nathan Kuhlman

For every road, there shall be a sidewalk
-Nathan K

There should be a couple acres of park total.

We will have a playground, and a soccer field.

“we need an important thing in the center”

-Nathan M

Hospital i the center of town, a mall, doctors, auto shop, grocery, gas station, mc Donalds, Old country buffet, Leann Chins

150 houses needed


x+x+x+x= 50 acres

“ERRything better fit regulation”

“That’ll setya back about a million”

“I finna build some parks”

We should make sure all the buildings have an efficient set up

Ben talks about his awesome idea for a three way road.

“So we’re gonna make a 2 acre school”

“That’s one small school”

“What, Why”